Partner with us for a sustainable future

We can help guide you towards carbon neutrality.

Our Services

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Initial Assessment

We will provide an initial consultation and assessment of your current anesthesia techniques.

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Analysis and Calculation

Your anesthesia carbon footprint will be calculated based on our detailed analysis of the current practices and techniques.

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Documentation of Carbon Footprint

A detailed description of the anesthesia carbon footprint will be provided.

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Decarbonization Action Plan

We will present a customized, provider-specific and achievable action plan to improve the anesthesia carbon footprint of a provider or facility.

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Carbon Offset Credits

For those anesthesia professionals who wish to provide Carbon Neutral Anesthesia to their patients, we facilitate access to the Carbon Credit Farmer’s Market to fully offset your Anesthesia Carbon Footprint.

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Certification of Carbon Offset Anesthesia

We provide you with a professionally developed certificate documenting your calculated emissions footprint as well as the quantity of registry-certified healthcare carbon offset credits that were acquired to achieve Carbon Neutral Anesthesia delivery. Your certificate will reflect your credits that are individually serial numbered, logged and retired on a single-use registry once they have been issued to you.

Our Consulting Workflow

Below are the steps we take to assist you in transitioning towards a more carbon-neutral practice.
Phase 1
(for anesthesia professionals who wish to quantify and reduce their CO2 footprint):
Initial Assessment
During this stage, you will complete an assessment survey of your current anesthesia techniques and a few questions about your practice model. This allows us to begin the process of calculating your current Anesthesia Carbon Footprint. (Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes)

Analysis and Calculation
Documentation of Provider's Anesthetic Emissions Footprint
Decarbonization Action Plan
Phase 2
(for anesthesia professionals who wish to take the extra step of delivering Carbon Neutral Anesthesia):
Access to the Carbon Credit Farmer's Market
If you decide to move forward and want to provide carbon neutral anesthesia in your practices, we will provide guidance and access to a market of carbon offset credits.
Certification of Carbon Offset Anesthesia Practices
sunrise over crop land
"Men and nature must work hand in hand. The throwing out of balance of the resources of nature throws out of balance also the lives of men."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Our Partners

Physician Anesthesiologists
Certified Anesthesia Assistants (CAA’s)
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA’s)
Dentists and Oral Surgeons
Anesthesia Group Practices
Surgical Centers

Our Promise

We will NEVER compromise patient care or safety.

All recommendations will err on the side of maximum patient safety - we will not push a provider to compromise this in the name of CO2 reduction.

Participation is VOLUNTARY.

We fundamentally believe that participation in this program should be intentional for those providers and facilities seeking to go the extra mile towards delivering healthier anesthetics.

Financially sustainable solutions will be provided.

Creating financial burdens on clinicians or facilities will lead to long-term program failure. All recommendations will be made with financial viability in mind. In fact, many of our recommendations will actually be cost-saving measures.

We will deliver COMMON SENSE, ACHIEVABLE solutions.

Unlike many carbon reduction proposals, ours are entirely made by a practicing board-certified anesthesiologist who has implemented each one in his own practice first before recommending them to others. We fully understand that placing additional practice burdens on busy clinicians will not result in long-term success of a decarbonization strategy.
All recommendations are vetted through the lens of “is this a problem needing a solution?” and “will this work in the real world?”.

Anesthetic emissions and materials waste will be reduced.

Our primary mission is to see anesthetic CO2/greenhouse gas emissions reduced and offset. Our secondary mission is to find sustainable solutions to reduce materials and energy waste in OR’s.

Just as pulse oximetry and capnography previously helped define anesthesiologists as leaders in patient safety, we would like to play a major part in empowering anesthesia professionals to lead the way on sustainability in healthcare.

We will offer access to rigorously vetted carbon offset credits from family farms.

Because of our background in regenerative farming, we understand what it takes to meaningfully sequester atmospheric carbon. Strict criteria is employed to assure we only work with regenerative farmers adhering to the highest standards in carbon sequestration practices. We perform farm audits using USDA and other scientific standards to ensure the authenticity and sequestration effectiveness of the Carbon Offset Credits being offered on the Carbon Credit Farmer’s Market exchange.

Because we care about making meaningful and sustainable changes, we stand strongly against the practice of “greenwashing.” All credits are single-use, uniquely serial numbered, and non-reusable. Upon issuance, the credits will be permanently recorded on an exchange registry. Purchase of offset credits includes documentation of the unique serial numbers of issued credits for your records.

Do you have additional questions about our services?
We would love to hear from you!
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